Pronouns Pronombres
{ I } { Yo }
{ You familiar } { Tu }
{ He, She, It } { El, Ella }
{ You formal } { Usted }
{ We } { Nosotros }
{You fam. plural} { Vosotros }
{ They } { Ellos, Ellas }
{You formal pl.} { Ustedes }
Infinitive Infinitivo
To Be Ser Estar
Present Participle Gerundio
being siendo estando
I am soy estoy
You are eres estás
He/She is es está
We are somos estamos
You are sois estáis
They are son están
Past Participle Participio Pasado
been sido estado
I was fui estuve
You were fuiste estuviste
He/She was fue estuvo
We were fuimos estuvimos
You were fuisteis estuvisteis
They were fueron estuvieron
To Have Haber Tener
having habiendo teniendo
I have he tengo
You have has tienes
He/She has ha tiene
We have hemos tenemos
You have habéis tenéis
They have han tienen
had habido tenido
I had hube tuve
You had hubiste tuviste
He/She had hubo tuvo
We had hubimos tuvimos
You had hubisteis tuvisteis
They had hubieron tuvieron
To Be Able Poder
being able pudiendo
I can puedo
You can puedes
He/She can puede
We can podemos
You can podéis
They can pueden
been able podido
I could pude
You could pudiste
He/She could pudo
We could pudimos
You could pudisteis
They could pudieron
To Come Venir
coming viniendo
I come vengo
You come vienes
He/She comes viene
We come venimos
You come venís
They come vienen
come venido
I came vine
You came viniste
He/She came vino
We came vinimos
You came vinisteis
They came vinieron
To Feel Sentir
feeling sintiendo
I feel siento
You feel sientes
He/She feels siente
We feel sentimos
You feel sentís
They feel sienten
felt sentido
I felt sentí
You felt sentiste
He/She felt sintió
We felt sentimos
You felt sentisteis
They felt sintieron
To Give Dar
giving dando
I give doy
You give das
He/She gives da
We give damos
You give dais
They give dan
given dado
I gave di
You gave diste
He/She gave dio
We gave dimos
You gave disteis
They gave dieron
To Go Ir
going yendo
I go voy
You go vas
He/She goes va
We go vamos
You go vais
They go van
gone ido
I went fui
You went fuiste
He/She went fue
We went fuimos
You went fuisteis
They went fueron
To Hear Oír
hearing oyendo
I hear oigo
You hear oyes
He/She hears oye
We hear oímos
You hear oís
They hear oyen
heard oído
I heard
You heard oíste
He/She heard oyó
We heard oímos
You heard oísteis
They heard oyeron
To Know Saber
knowing sabiendo
I know
You know sabes
He/She knows sabe
We know sabemos
You know sabéis
They know saben
known sabido
I knew supe
You knew supiste
He/She knew supo
We knew supimos
You knew supisteis
They knew supieron
To Make Hacer
making haciendo
I make hago
You make haces
He/She makes hace
We make hacemos
You make hacéis
They make hacen
made hecho
I made hice
made hiciste
He/She made hizo
We made hicimos
You made hicisteis
They made hicieron
To Put Poner
putting poniendo
I put pongo
You put pones
He/She put pone
We put ponemos
You put ponéis
They put ponen
put puesto
I put puse
You put pusiste
He/She put puso
We put pusimos
You put pusisteis
They put pusieron
To Say Decir
saying diciendo
I say digo
You say dices
He/She says dice
We say decimos
You say decís
They say dicen
said dicho
I said dije
You said dijiste
He/She said dijo
We said dijimos
You said dijisteis
They said dijeron
To See Ver
seeing viendo
I see veo
You see ves
He/She sees ve
We see vemos
You see veis
They see ven
seen visto
I saw vi
You saw viste
He/She saw vio
We saw vimos
You saw visteis
They saw vieron
To Sleep Dormir
sleeping durmiendo
I sleep duermo
You sleep duermes
He/She sleeps duerme
We sleep dormimos
You sleep dormís
They sleep duermen
slept dormido
I slept dormí
You slept dormiste
He/She slept durmió
We slept dormimos
You slept dormisteis
They slept durmieron
To Think Pensar
thinking pensando
I think pienso
You think piensas
He/She thinks piensa
We think pensamos
You think pensáis
They think piensan
thought pensado
I thought pensé
You thought pensaste
He/She thought pensó
We thought pensamos
You thought pensasteis
They thought pensaron
To Walk Andar
walking andando
I walk ando
You walk andas
He/She walks anda
We walk andamos
You walk andáis
They walk andan
walked andado
I walked anduve
You walked anduviste
He/She walked anduvo
We walked anduvimos
You walked anduvisteis
They walked anduvieron
To Want Querer
wanting queriendo
I want quiero
You want quieres
He/She wants quiere
We want queremos
You want queréis
They want quieren
wanted querido
I wanted quise
You wanted quisiste
He/She wanted quiso
We wanted quisimos
You wanted quisisteis
They wanted quisieron